Monday, February 5, 2018

MoviePass card has arrived!

So, thankfully we didn't get any new accumulation of snow today; but, the roads were still shit for a lot of the traveling public trying to go into work. I, personally, didn't have any issues; but, I could see where others easily could. The bad news? We're supposed to get another 2-4 inches tonight. While that might excite some people, it doesn't actually do anything other than tell me I'm going to have to take it slow driving into work tomorrow.

Great news everyone! I finally got my MoviePass card and I'm fully planning on taking it on its maiden voyage tomorrow to the theater and testing it out, seeing how confusing the whole process is. There shouldn't be a huge crowd hopefully, considering it'll be the middle of the week; but, if there's anything I've discovered up here, it's that nothing with Michiganders make sense.

Other news: got my letter about lease renewal.Which means I'm running out of time to decide what I plan to do. I've got three options: a.) stay in my current apartment and set up online payments (they're going to start charging $10 fees for checks apparently), b.) move to a new apartment,  or c.) get lucky and move for a transfer for my job. I have till the end of April to make my decision right now, unless I get an offer for a transfer between now and then.

Finally got around to watching some of the commercials from the Super Bowl and I was actually really curious about the new Mission: Impossible, it looks like a good ending to the series or at least, I hope it is an ending to it. Only time will tell, I guess!


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