Today's weather forecast was....cold. The weather outside was cold. I wish I could have avoided going out into it completely; but, I have to let Minnie out to go to the bathroom and I had to go get food so I could continue to go on living and existing. I found myself while I was in the store, struggling with trying to determine what I wanted to eat. I didn't want to go crazy buying all kinds of meats and vegetables, that tends to get pricey; but, I didn't want to completely go all out on processed foods either, despite them being cheaper. I wanted to try to find that subtle blend between the two that would be both cost savvy and yet be subsistent enough to last me until I get paid next weekend....while also leaving money for rent, gas, etc.
And of course to make matters worse, I was hungry from not having had anything to eat since this morning when I had french toast for breakfast. (Not the healthiest option, I know; but, I wanted to try for some diversity in the kitchen for breakfast.
Anyway, my day started off shitty. I found myself awake at around 4:50 AM this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, I guess maybe because there was an innate fear that I would sleep through the call for our annual leave bids that I hoped were happening today. They did and I got the shit end of the stick again. Being the lowest man on the totem pole sucks. I get no choice in my shift, I rarely get what I want for vacation. So, the two weeks I was really, really hoping to get that fell around my six days off, I didn't get, either of them. Which blows because despite not getting my hopes up and thankfully not buying a ticket to the concert, I still felt disappointment. I was looking forward to getting away from work for a good 10+ days. Go somewhere, do something,visit with family, maybe go to the concert, maybe visit my cousin in San Diego. Now, I don't know what I'm going to do. I spouted off some week at random, hoping it wasn't taken; but, I have no idea what my days off that week are already so I don't know what kind of vacation I'm going to be able to have or what I'm going to do.
As someone else put it, I have plenty of time to figure it out. I'm just waiting to see if I hear anything on any of the transfer requests I put out. Maybe, if I'm lucky, one of those will come through and I'll be able to get out of here. A change of scenery would be nice.
Now, I want to get to probably the most exciting part of this whole blog today:
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure!
I was a little skeptical at first about it considering the second movie left me less than impressed and the reviews (which I normally ignore) gave it a less than 70% rating. So, I tried to go in with an open mind considering how much I enjoyed the books and the fact that my ticket was only $5. Anyway, the movie picks up not long from where the second ended and quickly jumps into the action. The adventure between start and finish kept me engaged the entire length of the movie and I found myself eagerly awaiting to see how it would finally come to an end.
I'd read some articles that said this was going to be the final film and there wouldn't be any sequels, akin to the book series it's based on.
Continuing on, you could see the war going on inside of Thomas. He was trying to make amends for all the people who were lost following his suggestions/directions/orders. There was plenty of action, enough romance to keep me interested in the development between the characters and the ending matched the novels nearly to a 't'. I'd thoroughly recommend it to anyone thinking to go watch.